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Have you ever turned on your computer in preparation for work and found that you just couldn’t generate new creative ideas? Many creative designers keep recycling the same ideas they’ve had for years. This has even made many designers’ works boring and repetitive.

The creative design industry is changing constantly. New trends are being created, and it is getting harder to keep track. This puts creative design agencies under constant pressure to think outside the box for new and innovative design ideas.

However, it is difficult to stay innovative as the industry is also fast-paced. Designers are under several pressures like tight deadlines and demanding clients, among other distractions. These can drain a designer’s creativity or even leave them uninsipired.

The good news is that some unexpected, lesser-known tactics can revolutionise your creative workflow. These unconventional tactics will disrupt your creative design routine in the best way.

Leveraging Poker Techniques for Graphic Design

There are some strategies used in poker games that can change the creativity game for a graphic designer.

An example can be found in how skilled poker players observe their opponents by reading the patterns of their playing habits and countenance before making the next move. In the same way, graphic designers can observe their target audience to decipher what seems to be a hit among them. This practice can help them tailor their designs to their target audience’s tastes.

Also, strategy comes first for players who know how to play poker well. They play tactically, thinking of the long run. Graphic designers can also boost their creativity by designing strategically. For example, instead of jumping into trends that may quickly become outdated, designers should consider going for timeless designs.

Furthermore, continuous learning is of utmost importance in poker and graphic design. Just as poker players study the game to keep learning new tactics, designers must stay updated on design trends, software updates, and so on.

Applying Random Constraints to Your Design Process

Graphic designers can introduce random constraints to their design processes to boost creativity. Several studies have proven that constraints can help boost creativity in sectors like business and even in the classroom. This can be the case in graphic design, too.

For example, you could challenge yourself to create a logo using only two colours and a single typeface. These types of challenges can force you to think creatively and find unique solutions to the boundaries you have created for yourself. Random constraints help designers break free from the usual design styles they are used to and create more interesting and unexpected designs.

Being Creative With Forced Connections

Graphic designers can also create more creative designs by making unexpected connections between two or more seemingly unrelated concepts. Tools Hero says forced connections can boost innovation and help business owners avoid creative roadblocks.

Designers can also boost their creativity by taking some unrelated words, images, or even concepts and finding a way to connect them to their designs. For example, a designer working on a project for a tech company can connect technology with a different concept, like nature.

Forced connections allow designers to explore the relationship between different concepts in their work, and this allows for innovative thinking.

Embracing Reverse Thinking for Creative Designs

Another unconventional tactic for boosting creativity is to use reverse thinking. Instead of brainstorming solutions to a design problem, you can consider ways to make the problem worse or achieve the opposite of your goal. Then, you can flip those negative ideas to find positive, creative solutions. This kind of thinking can help you build creative problem-solving skills.

For instance, a designer whose goal is to design a user-friendly mobile app can think of terrible designs that can frustrate the users. Once that is identified, they can now think of ways to combat those frustrating designs to create something more positive for the user experience.

A popular example of reverse thinking for creative design can be found in the Beats by Dre headphones. The designers considered the features they disliked about traditional headphones, like poor sound quality and uncomfortable ear cups. They then created headphones that addressed these problems. This method has made the brand one of the biggest producers of headphones in the world today.

Final Thoughts

Creative design requires constant innovation and being able to think outside the box. To take their designs to the next level, creative designers can borrow ideas from poker games. They can also apply random constraints, reversed thinking, or forced connections.

Ultimately, creativity requires being curious and willing to experiment with new ideas. While some of these unexpected tactics we have mentioned may seem counterintuitive, they can help designers tap into their creative energy. So, if you find yourself hitting a creativity block in any of your projects, try any of the unexpected tactics for a fresh perspective.

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