What Is The Shirt Printing Calculator?

The screen printing T-shirt pricing calculator was designed for the everyday person to simply cost a shirt printing job, without having to pay for expensive software. We took inspiration for this screen printing calculator from https://www.screenprinting.com/. The form will save the data to your browser so you can come back and pick up where you left off.

We plan to keep the form free to use by displaying adverts on this page which help support the site. If you have any suggestions or changes, please contact us today.

How Does This Screen Printing Calculator Work?

1. Monthly Expenses

To get a more accurate sale price for your T-Shirts you should input as much information possible into the monthly expenses, these are fixed expenses such as rent, utility bills and staff costs. These fields are not mandatory to fill out but will help with accurately pricing your T-Shirts.

2. General Timings

The general timings section are average times that it takes you to complete repetitive tasks for screen printing such as prepping artwork, cleaning and coating screens. These fields are required for the calculator to work, they can be averages to work.

3. Job Information

Section 3 will have inputs for the job name and also garments that are being printed, which are not mandatory but will eventually be able to be sent out via email along with the rest of the quote.

4. Job Expenses

The job expenses are the core of the shirt printing calculator, you will have to fill out all of the info in this section for your final quote. This section uses the information provided in section 2 for the pricing calculation.

5. Job Totals

The job totals section will display all of the calculations based on your input information this includes time for labour, printing, total overhead costs, cost per shirt, total costs and then you can input your desired profit margin to get your final sale price per shirt.


Future Plans For Screen Printing Pricing Calculator

We are working on building in the functionality to email and print the final quotes for your personal use, if you are interested in this please contact us.